7 Coding Projects that can help you master coding
Are you looking to sharpen your coding skills? Here are seven essential projects that will help you master the fundamentals:
Simple Calculator App: Start with something straightforward like a calculator app. It's a great way to get comfortable with syntax and basic arithmetic operations.

Quiz App: Next, try building a quiz app. It's perfect for practicing how to handle user input and apply conditional logic.

Currency Converter: This project will get you hands-on with API integration, especially if you're using live exchange rates.

Weather Forecast App: Want to get fancy with APIs and location services? A weather forecast app is a perfect choice.

Blog Platform: Dive into data persistence and user authentication by creating a blog platform. It's a great way to understand how content management systems work.

E-Commerce Platform: Finally, challenge yourself with a fully functioning e-commerce platform. This project will help you tackle complex database design, secure payment processing, and advanced user management.

To-Do List: A classic to-do list app is an excellent project to learn CRUD operations and data storage basics.

These projects are all about honing your coding skills and getting hands-on experience. While they’re fantastic for learning, keep in mind that they may not be the best fit for your resume.