10 types of programmers and what they do
Here are 10 types of programmers and what they do
FRONT END DEVELOPER: A lot of people think this is actually an easy job, but it's not. A front-end developer works on the things that you see that come on your screen
BACK END DEVELOPER: A back-end developer works here on the server that interacts with the front-end. And this job entails a programming language, the cloud maybe, databases, APIs, and more.
FULL STACK DEVELOPER: This is a developer that's working on the front-end and the back-end. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're better developers though. I kind of like to put them like this, because again, they don't know as much about back-end or front-end, but a little bit in between is good
DATABASE PROGRAMMER: In most cases, your application's back-end is connected to a database. If the app has a large number of users, database programmers are responsible for managing database maintenance, performing migrations, and handling various other tasks to ensure the database operates efficiently at scale.
NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR: When you have a bunch of traffic and things connecting to a server, you need a network administrator to monitor it. And realistically speaking, you don't even need programming skills to be a network administrator, but a lot of programmers just end up there by default.
DEVOPS ENGINEER: Imagine your entire application's codebase is located in a specific spot. DevOps engineers create automated workflows, similar to conveyor belts, where the code must pass through various tests and processes before it can be deployed live on a server. This ensures that everything is functioning correctly and meets quality standards before going live.
AUTOMATION ENGINEER: Let's say your app is getting way bigger. So you had to add a bunch of more things. Well, an automation engineer would find ways to automate the backups here. He might find a way to optimize and a place to optimize all your assets.
DATA SCIENTIST: Data scientists play a crucial role when an app grows large enough to generate vast amounts of data, often in the range of terabytes or even petabytes. They analyze this data to uncover insights that can inform marketing strategies, product development, security measures, and more. The insights they discover can significantly influence decision-making across various aspects of the business.
CLOUD ENGINEER: A cloud engineer manages the infrastructure and services provided by cloud platforms like AWS. Rather than using physical servers, which can be costly and complex to maintain, cloud engineers utilize cloud services to store and manage data and applications. This approach can significantly reduce costs, especially for large-scale projects with many users. Cloud engineers often create intricate architectures using a variety of cloud services, making it possible to scale and manage resources efficiently without the need for physical hardware.
SECURITY ENGINEER: Their job is to look at every single point that can be vulnerable and make sure to fix it so that the whole entire infrastructure is secure.